Asda Delivery Driver Praised For Going The Extra Mile

Jason Bonny, a delivery driver from Asda, Portadown, demonstrated exceptional customer service and dedication to his job by assisting a wheelchair user with putting away her shopping while out on his rounds.

Going about his day on an ordinary delivery shift, Jason encountered an address that wasn’t on his usual route. Approaching the front door, he noticed the house had been renovated for disability access and was greeted by the home delivery customer, who was a wheelchair user.

Jason said hello to the customer and indicated he would carry the shopping into the house for her, he then began to unpack the groceries and put the items away in the cupboards to save the customer from doing so, much to their delight.

Jason commented: “I just followed my instinct, I explained to the customer that there was no rush and that I could take the time as helping people is just part of my job. I enjoy my job at Asda for different reasons, however, working in customer service has given me the opportunity to make a positive impact on somebody else’s day and there is nothing more rewarding than that. Kindness costs nothing!”

The customer was so pleased with Jason’s assistance that she contacted Asda Portadown, praising Jason as a credit to the company and that her positive experience would encourage her to use Asda’s delivery service again.

Kate Oakes, General Store Manager at Asda Portadown said: “Jason is a remarkable employee and always goes above and beyond for all customers. His dedication to making every customer feel valued is a testament to his hard work and commitment. We’re privileged to work with him, thank you, Jason!”

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