Ballymena Business Has Designs On Growth Following Go Succeed Support

A Ballymena-based manufacturing and design company has supercharged its growth plans after receiving support from the government-backed Go Succeed enterprise service.

Demanu Manufacturing and Design plans to expand its operations, invest in cutting-edge technology, and enhance its product offerings following the boost which included a Go Succeed grant.

An innovator in manufacturing solutions, the company provides product development and manufacturing consultancy services as well as full-scale manufacturing, helping to bring its customers’ products from conception to reality.

Founder JB Dobbin said assistance received form Go Succeed will help drive Demanu’s growth and further solidify its position as a market leader in the manufacturing and design industry.

Starting out on his own, JB is rapidly growing the company on the back of Go Succeed’s assistance.

“I have always liked to be independent and in control and that is what led me on my entrepreneurial journey,” he said.

“At the start of the journey it was just me and I reached out to some past colleagues and some friends, and they pointed me in the direction of Go Succeed.

“The main benefits of the Go Succeed programme for me was the mentorship. Previously I didn’t have any marketing or finance experience and I needed to round out my skills on that.

“From that mentorship we were pointed in the direction of the Go Succeed grant which we’ve been successful in applying for. We’ve put that towards equipment to grow our business and increase our manufacturing capacity.

“At the start of a company’s journey they need as much advice as possible and Go Succeed were really helpful at supercharging my one-person team.”

Go Succeed, which is aimed at entrepreneurs and businesses at every stage of their development, from starting out, to growing and scaling, is delivered via Northern Ireland’s 11 councils.

Ursula O’Loughlin, Head of Economic Development Mid and East Antrim Borough Council added: “It is great to see how the Go Succeed programme can make such a tangible impact on enhancing the potential of businesses across our borough.

“Go Succeed supports businesses throughout all stages of their life cycle and in this instance, it is extremely rewarding to see a relatively young business experience growth on the back of the Go Succeed grant.

“JB is a great example of someone who was passionate about their industry and is now turning their entrepreneurial endeavour into a high-flying manufacturing business.”

JB added:

“I would absolutely recommend Go Succeed to others. It’s such an easy process. When starting a business, you need as much help as you can get. The mentors and everyone that works at Go Succeed are really pulling in the direction of the entrepreneur helping them to grow and succeed.”

Go Succeed ( is funded by the UK Government and powered by the government’s Levelling Up Fund. The service supports entrepreneurs, new starts and existing businesses with easy-to-access advice and support including mentoring, master classes, peer networks, access to grant funding and a business plan, at every stage of their growth journey.

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